Volunteer & School Service

School service hours are recognized for scholarships and Grad Transitions.

  • Helping ND teachers and other staff
  • Parent Teacher Interview volunteers
  • Ushers for events
  • Team managers, coaches, score-keepers
  • Planning, promoting or facilitating school events, activities and fundraisers
  • Volunteering for school dance or other events
  • Organizing and running events for clubs/classes

What does not count:

  • Paid work including tutoring, theater technician, refereeing or the Community Schools Partnership Program
  • Work related to credit courses including; peer tutoring, yearbook, theatre, work experience, and leadership
  • Practicing or rehearsing for a sports, dance, theatre, music team/group
  • Activities that offer special privileges
  • Attending regular club, committee or council meetings
  • Attending conferences, camps, workshops or events
  • Paid work within the school

Tracking and reporting:

It is the responsibility of students to self-report their own hours and it is the student’s responsibility to keep a record of reported hours…not the office, Career Centre, teachers and staff.

Here is a link to the tracking form:
