Counsellors are available to listen to students and support them in areas they may be having difficulties in order for them to be as successful and happy as possible both in and outside of school. How to access a counsellor:
- Visit the counselling office, check if the counsellor is available
- If a counsellor is unavailable, Fill out a request form and place it into the appropriate box.
Possible reasons for visiting a counsellor could include:
- Course planning
- Career, education, and future planning
- Goal-setting
- Personal issues such as:
- Bullying
- Conflict resolutions and mediation
- Effective communication with adults
- Peer pressure
- Personal relationship issues like problems friends and/or family
- Problem solving
- Health and well-being:
- Anger management
- Body image
- Depression
- Grief and loss
- Maintaining healthy lifestyles
- Self esteem
- Self-harm
- Sexuality
- Stress and anxiety
- Substance use i.e. alcohol and drugs
- Community services referral
- Tutoring referral, please see your counsellor for an updated list
- And much more
Confidentiality – All conversations between students and counsellors are confidential; that means that they do not share information with parents, teachers, other students or school administrators without permission. Counsellors take their commitment to confidentiality very seriously. There are several circumstances, however, that they are legally obliged to break confidentiality for student safety. If students tell counsellors that they are being physically harmed, are harming or planning on harming someone else or they have suicidal intentions, counsellors must share this information with appropriate community agencies. Counsellors will always inform students when they have to break confidentiality and discuss options with them.