Solid line indicates completion of the previous course is recommended.
Students must take one of the Mathematics 10 and 11 courses.

Students should consult with their counsellor about Post-Secondary options as certain degree programs may have different requirements. It is essential that students investigate the required courses.
Challenge Mathematics 9-12 is for students with advanced abilities. Content material may be extended beyond the regular curriculum and assignments will place more emphasis on problem solving and skill development. Grades will be determined only by the scores received on regular grade level assessments.
Principles of Mathematics 8-9 Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10-12. This curriculum enables students to meet university, technical institute and college entrance requirements.
Mathematics 9 Fundamentals, Workplace Math 10-11, and Apprenticeship 12. These courses have been designed to provide a general understanding of mathematics focusing more on the use and applications of mathematics in everyday life. Successful completion of Workplace Math 11 meets the graduation requirements for math.
Foundations of Math 11 meets the graduation requirement for math. Foundations of Math 12 is intended for students who want to study more math but are likely not continuing into math, science, or engineering in postsecondary.
Principles of Math 8 | MMA-08 |
This course is for students entering grade 8. Topics include integers, fractions, percent, rates and ratios, surface area and volume, solving linear equations (algebra), and linear functions (graphing). This is a required course.
Numeracy 9 |
Open to students who have achieved an emerging or low developing in math 8, with the approval of their current math 8 teacher. This course reviews math 8 concepts and introduces some math 9 concepts. It is designed to improve basic math 8 skills as well as improve self confidence in math. The desired outcome is a student continuing to math 9 & continuing to see success. If students are not successful, they can move onto Apprenticeship and Workplace 10 with the approval of their teacher. This path leads to graduation.
Math 9 Fundamentals | MMA-09-FUN |
This course is designed for students who have struggled or were not successful in Math 8. Topics covered include: shapes and measurement, converting within measurement systems, graphing, triangles, and wages and salaries. This course leads to Workplace Math 10. Students must take a Math 9 level course. Their Math 8 teacher will recommend students for this course.
Math 9 Challenge | MMA-09CHA |
This course is recommended for students who have achieved at a very high level in Math 8. Students will cover the same topics as in Principles of Math 9 but at a greater pace and depth. Advanced math abilities are required for this course as well as teacher recommendation. Students must take a Math 9 level course.
Principles of Math 9 | MMA-09 |
This course continues to develop the student’s understanding and skills in number and number operations, algebra, polynomials, and linear functions. Possible topics include data analysis, geometry, measurement, and financial literacy. Students must take a Math 9 level course.
Foundations of Math & Pre-calculus 10 | MFMP-10 |
This is the first course for either the Foundations of Mathematics or Pre-Calculus Pathways. This theory-based course explores topics such as: trigonometry, irrational numbers, polynomials, functions – especially linear functions. This course is intended for those students going into University, College, or Technical trades. Students must take a Math 10 level course.
Foundations of Math & Pre-calculus 10: Challenge | MFMP-10CHA |
Students will cover the same topics as in Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus 10 but at a greater pace and depth. Advanced math abilities are required for this course as well as teacher recommendation. Students must take a Math 10 level course.
Workplace Math 10 | MWPM-10 |
Workplace Math 10 allows students to continue working on the fundamentals of mathematics while exploring topics such as: measurement in both Imperial and SI units, geometry and basic trigonometry, consumer decisions, Personal finance, and algebraic formulas. Check the entrance requirements for the program of study you are planning to take, to see if this course meets the prerequisite level. Students must take a Math 10 level course.
Foundations of Math 11 | MFOM-11 |
This is an academic course that expands on some of the topics studied in Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus 10. Topics: Trigonometry, system of linear inequality, systems of quadratic functions and equations, logical reasoning, statistical reasoning and financial literacy. Students should have a decent understanding of graphing and factoring. Check with your counsellor to see if this course will meet your post-secondary entrance requirements. Students must complete one Math 11 or 12 level course to meet graduation requirements.
Pre-calculus Math 11 | MPREC11 |
This course is designed for students who require a strong mathematical background for future studies in the fields of math, science, engineering, electronics, computer studies, economics and some business courses. Topics of study include: real numbers, powers, radicals, factoring polynomials, rationals, quadratic functions and equations, inequalities, trigonometry, and financial literacy. This course has a lot of graphing concepts in it. Students who struggled with the graphing concepts in FPC Math 10 MAY have a hard time understanding the graphing concepts related to this course. Students should also have a strong understanding of concepts of factoring or they MAY have a hard time learning concepts that use factoring ideas. Check with your counsellor to see if this course will meet your post-secondary entrance requirements. Students must complete one Math 11 or 12 level course to meet graduation requirements.
Pre-calculus Math 11: Challenge | MPREC11CHA |
This course is recommended for the very capable Math student who plans on writing for scholarship or various math contests. This course presents Pre-calculus Mathematics 11 topics in greater depth and breadth. Advanced math abilities are required for this course as well as teacher recommendation. Students must complete one Math 11 or 12 level course to meet graduation requirements.
Workplace Math 11 | MWPM-11 |
This practical course meets the Mathematics requirement for graduation. Topics of study include relations and formulas, slope, income and debt, graph analysis and interpretation, measurement technology, trigonometry. Check with your counsellor to see if this course will meet your post-secondary entrance requirements. Students must complete one Math 11 or Math 12 level course to meet graduation requirements.
Apprenticeship Math 12 | MAPPR12 |
Apprenticeship Math 12 is recommended for students who have taken Workplace Math 11 and want to continue to study math. This course takes you through math skills you would need for life and certain careers. This course will teach you how to measure with tools and graduated scales, conversions between metric and imperial measurement systems, why similar triangles are useful, how measurement is used in life, 2D and 3D shapes, and how to be successful in getting a loan or investment for your own business. Check with your counselor to see if this course will meet your post-secondary entrance requirements. This is an elective course.
Calculus 12 | MCALC12 |
This course is primarily intended for extremely capable Math students who plan to continue Math at the post- secondary level. Students who do not have some secondary school work in Calculus may have difficulty with subsequent Math courses at university or college. This course follows the Provincial Curriculum. Topics include: limits, differentiation, applications of derivatives, antidifferentiation and transcendental functions. A strong background in math is recommended for this course. This is an elective course.
Foundations of Math 12 | MFOM-12 |
This is an academic course that expands on some of the topics studied in Foundations of Math 11. Topics include: polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, sinusoidal functions, logic, combinations and permutations, borrowing money, and investing money (if time permits). Check with your counselor to see if this course will meet your post-secondary entrance requirements. This is an elective course.
Geometry 12 | MGMT-12 |
Geometry 12 is designed to focus on the study of the properties and applications of common geometric figures in two dimensions as well as three dimensions. Logic and reasoning skills need to be used in problem solving and emphasis is given to applications to real world situations. Areas of study include geometric constructions, circle geometry, transformations, perspective and non-Euclidean geometry. This elective course is for students in grade 11 and 12. This is an elective course.
Pre-calculus Math 12 | MPREC12 |
This course is designed for students who require a strong mathematical background for future studies in the fields of science, engineering, electronics, computer studies, economics and some business courses. Topics of study include: Transformations, Exponentials and Logarithms, Geometric Sequences and Series, Polynomials, Rational Functions, and Trigonometry. Check with your counsellor to see if this course will meet your post- secondary entrance requirements. This is an elective course.
Pre-calculus Math 12: Challenge | MPREC12CHA |
This course is recommended for the very capable Math student who plans on writing for scholarship or various math contests. This course presents Pre-calculus Math 12 topics in greater depth and breadth. Math 12H students will write the same in-class final exam as Math 12 students. Advanced math abilities are required for this course. This is an elective course.
Statistics 12 | MSTAT12 |
This course is designed for students who are interested in understanding statistics better and want to have an awareness of research results. This course will help students have a clearer picture of what the information from surveys & statistics tells us. If this interests you, take the Statistics 12 course. Explore different ways of understanding & presenting data as well as using software & technology to communicate findings. Open to grade 11 & 12 students and is an elective course.