English Studies 8 | MEN-08 |
English 8 is designed to provide students with various opportunities for learning within the English curriculum. The course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing, and representing. A range of texts and media will be included to expose students to Composition, Creative Writing, Literary Studies, New Media, and Spoken Language. This is a required course.
English Studies 9 | MEN-09 |
English Studies 9 is designed to provide students with various opportunities for learning within the English curriculum. The course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing, and representing. A range of texts and media will be included to expose students to Composition, Creative Writing, Literary Studies, New Media, and Spoken Language. This is a required course.
Grade 10 students must choose one of the following two options:
Literary Studies/Creative Writing 10 | MLTST10, MCTWR10 |
Literary Studies/Creative Writing 10 is designed to provide students with various opportunities for learning within the English curriculum, while allowing students to follow their interests. Students will explore specific themes and authors through a variety of genres, and will express themselves creatively as they experiment with, reflect on, and refine their writing. This course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing, and representing. A grade 10 English is required for graduation.
Note: During course selection, students will select Creative Writing 10. Lit Studies 10 will be added to a student’s schedule at a later date.
Literary Studies/New Media 10 | MLTST10, MNMD10 |
Literary Studies/New Media 10 is designed to provide students with various opportunities for learning within the English curriculum, while allowing students to follow their interests. Students will explore specific themes and authors through a variety of genres, and will use various media to express their ideas and refine their writing. This course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing, and representing. A grade 10 English is required for graduation. Note: During course selection, students will select New Media 10. Lit Studies 10 will be added to a students schedule at a later date.
Senior Course Offerings:
Students going into Grade 11 must choose at least one of the three senior English options. Students going into Grade 12 must choose at least one of the English 12 options, and may choose senior English courses as electives.
English First Peoples – Literary Studies and Writing 11 | MEFLS11 |
English First Peoples 11 is designed to provide all students with various opportunities for learning and exploring themes and issues important not only to First Peoples but to all, with a goal of shared understanding. The course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing and representing. This course meets the graduation requirement for 4 credits of Indigenous-focused content and English Language Arts 11 requirement .
Creative Writing 11 | MCTWR11 |
Senior Creative Writing is designed for students who have an interest in creative expression through language. Students will explore personal and cultural identities, memories, and stories in a wide range of genres. Students will express themselves creatively as they experiment with, reflect on, extend, and refine their writing. The course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing, and representing. This course meets the requirements for 4 credits of English Language Arts 11
New Media 11 | MNMD11 |
Senior New Media allows students to reflect on the changing role of technology in today’s society, and the increasing importance of digital media in communicating and exchanging ideas. This course recognizes that digital literacy is an essential characteristic of the educated citizen. The course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing, and representing. This course meets the requirements for 4 credits of English Language Arts 11
English First Peoples 12 | MENFP12 |
English First Peoples 12 satisfies the secondary English Language Arts requirement in BC and is the academic equivalent to English Studies 12. It is designed to provide all students with various opportunities for learning and exploring themes and issues important not only to First Peoples but to all, with a goal of shared understanding. The course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing and representing. This is an academically rigorous course. This course meets the graduation requirement for 4 credits of Indigenous-focused content.
English Studies 12 | MENST12 |
English Studies 12 satisfies the secondary English Language Arts requirement in BC and is the academic equivalent to English First Peoples 12. It is designed to provide all students with various opportunities for learning within the English curriculum, while allowing students to follow their interests and to choose according to their strengths and challenges. The course will include a balance of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing and representing. This is an academically rigorous course.