Connections 10 Cohort


  • being active and moving around while learning with like-minded classmates.
  • learning outdoors and connecting with nature.
  • basing your learning around big ideas and themes that connect the core subjects together.
  • exploring and connecting your learning to the local community.

If this sounds interesting to you, sign up for the Connections 10 Cohort.

Connections 10 is a cohort for grade 10 students who wish to engage with and learn more about the natural environment and surrounding communities by looking at topics such as climate change and finding solutions to problems at the local and/or global level. By selecting the Connections 10 cohort, students will complete the following required courses:

  • Career Life Education 10
  • Socials 10
  • Science 10
  • Physical & Health Education 10

The courses will emphasize the exploration of nearby natural, outdoor environments by regularly engaging in field trips. Cohort teachers will work closely together so that students can engage in cross-curricular learning that integrates the core subject areas and draws on thematic connections. The required courses in this grade 10 cohort are designed to ensure that all of the necessary and mandatory curriculum is covered while also:

  • learning through experiences in our local environment.
  • helping students develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world.
  • providing positive personal growth experiences that help students develop character.

creating opportunities for development of leadership skills and community engagement.