Arts Education

Arts Education: Drama and Theatre

The Drama and Theatre curriculum is deigned to provide students with the opportunity to discover the many facets of the creative world of the Performing Arts. These include acting, playwriting, singing, as well as creating sets and props for the school play, as well and learning about the technical aspects of computer produced sound effects, sound amplification, stage lighting, and set design.

  • ACTING: Students who are interested in acting should consider Drama 9-12, Theatre Company 9-12, or Musical Theatre 9-12.
  • SCRIPTWRITING: Students who enjoy both Drama and creative writing should consider Directing & Script Development 12.
  • STAGECRAFT: Those with practical, technical, or artistic interests should consider working behind the scenes in Theatre Production.

Performing Arts courses could lead students to opportunities in film, television, radio, the recording industry, the teaching studio, classroom, and in the concert hall, both on the stage and behind the scenes. Two important highlights of taking Drama and Theatre courses are the opportunities to lead and be led, and to hone interpersonal skills in teamwork situations; both are essential skills in the workplace!

Arts Education: Drama

Arts Education 8: Drama MDR-08

This is an exploratory, introductory course that will give students an introduction to the Fine and Performing Arts, including Drama and Visual Arts, and/or Dance.

Drama 9 MDR-09

The primary focus of Drama 9 is developing skills of movement, speech, confidence, communication, and cooperation through Drama games, warm ups, exercises, scenes, and group work. Students will explore a variety of dramatic forms, which may include: movement (mime, tableau, and stage combat); improvisation and theatre sports; role-drama and play building; character creation, scripted scenes, readers’ theatre and more! No previous Drama experience is necessary! A positive attitude, a willingness to work with others and an interest in learning about Drama is required. This is an Arts Education course.

Drama 10 MDRM-10

Drama 10 is a transitional course which shifts the focus from developmental drama to the art of acting. The course is intended to broaden the students’ theatrical experience as performer, spectator, and critic. Students will work with scripted material, employ improvisation, and explore mime and theatre games. It is expected that students will have a genuine interest in all forms of theatre and a willingness to want to perform. It is expected that students will work productively in ensemble, trios, pairs, and individually. Each semester, students will have field trip opportunities to see professional theatre productions. Course content is delivered and assessed by daily routines, active participation, and performances. No previous Drama experience is required! This is an Arts Education course.

Students in Drama 10, 11, and 12 are expected to perform in a mandatory evening performance for family, friends, and the community as part of ND Theatre’s annual one act play festival. Energy, enthusiasm, a genuine interest in theatre, and an absolute willingness to perform for an audience are essential for success in this course.

Drama 11 MDRM-11

This course will develop acting skills and will provide extensive experience in presenting improvised and scripted material. Creativity, increased self-awareness, leadership, as well as the theatre skills of characterization, blocking, speech, stage business, and script interpretation will be taught. Aspects of theatre history may be studied. Each semester, students will have field trip opportunities to see professional theatre productions. Course content is delivered and assessed by daily routines, active participation and performances. No previous Drama experience is required! This is an Arts Education course.

Students in Drama 10, 11, and 12 are expected to perform in a mandatory evening performance for family, friends, and the community as part of ND Theatre’s annual one act play festival. Energy, enthusiasm, a genuine interest in theatre, and an absolute willingness to perform for an audience are essential for success in this course.

Drama 12 MDRM-12

This advanced course in acting will afford students opportunities to develop characters, create and present improvisational and scripted work, and expand the skills emphasized in Drama 11. Students are expected to be serious in their commitment to theatre, as critical analysis and leadership are emphasized. Experienced Drama 12 students are given the opportunity to assist with casting and directing One Act plays, if they choose. Each semester, students will have field trip opportunities to see professional theatre productions. Course content is delivered and assessed by daily routines, participation and performances. No previous Drama experience is required! This is an Arts Education course.

Students in Drama 10, 11, and 12 are expected to perform in a mandatory evening performance for family, friends, and the community as part of ND Theatre’s annual one act play festival. Energy, enthusiasm, a genuine interest in theatre, and an absolute willingness to perform for an audience are essential for success in this course.

Directing & Script Development 12 MDRDS12

This course is for the committed theatre student who is interested in directing, creative writing, and who has taken previous Drama classes. The course may be offered in any block in conjunction with another Drama course. Students must be willing and able to work independently, write several redrafts, take criticism well, and be critical of written and performed work. This is an Arts Education course. Experience in senior Drama courses, as well as consultation with the instructor, will determine entrance to this course.

Arts Education: Theatre Company & Musical Theatre

Both Theatre Company 10, 11, 12 and Musical Theatre 10, 11, 12 provide students with the opportunity to mount a full theatrical production and perform it in front of an audience, emulating a professional theatre troupe. The focus is on the four steps required to create a theatre production: selecting the company, pre-production, production, and post-production. These courses are grounded in the talent and commitment of a wide variety of students, who combine their skills to form a full production team. Students learn about the nature of a Theatre Company and the interconnected roles and responsibilities of the people who work in it. They examine the requirements for leadership, teamwork, commitment, theatre etiquette and protocol. Through participation in the rehearsal and performance process, students learn the skills and attitudes necessary to perform within a theatre company, including valuable personal and interpersonal skills that they can apply in broader social and career contexts. Students are expected to show discipline, flexibility and willingness as they face the challenge of working together towards the realization of a live theatre experience. As students work together to perform their roles in the production, they progress towards the high standards set by professional theatre. The life skills students acquire through this course, including communication, teamwork, problem solving, empathy, responsibility and organization, benefit them in all areas of their life and will enhance their employability regardless of their future career choice.

Typically, Theatre Company and Musical Theatre alternate years; however, the decision will be finalized in the spring of 2024. Auditions of for Theatre Company or Musical Theatre 2024-2025 will take place in the spring of 2024 and again in class for specific roles after the fall 2024 semester begins. This course is open to all Grade 9-12 North Delta students. It is offered outside of the regular timetable on a regular basis, primarily in the first semester. Up to four rehearsals per week and evening performances are mandatory components of this course. Auditions and consultation with the instructor will determine entrance to the course. No previous experience needed.

Theatre Company 10 or Musical Theatre 10 (open to grade 9 & 10) XTP-09, MDRTC10

Theatre Company 10 or Musical Theatre 10 are offered on an alternating basis each year and are the beginning of student involvement in the theatre program. These courses are open to students in Grades 9 and 10. Following the structure and rigorous quality standards of professional theatre troupes, Theatre Company 10 and Musical Theatre 10 require students to deepen the knowledge and apply the skills they have learned in previous Drama, Musical Theatre or Theatre Company classes or to contribute their own personal experience for the benefit of the company.

Auditions and consultation with the instructor will determine entrance to the course. It is offered outside of the regular timetable on a regular basis, primarily in the first semester. Up to four rehearsals per week and evening performances are mandatory components of this course. This is an Arts Education course.

Theatre Company 11 or Musical Theatre 11 MDRTC11

Theatre Company 11 or Musical Theatre 11 are offered on an alternating basis each year and are the development of student involvement in the theatre program. At the Grade 11 level, students are exposed to intermediate level acting methods and are granted some opportunities for leadership and solo performance. Following the structure and rigorous quality standards of professional theatre troupes, Theatre Company 11/Musical Theatre 11 requires students to deepen the knowledge and apply the skills they have learned in previous Drama, Musical Theatre or Theatre Company classes or to contribute their own personal experience for the benefit of the company.

Auditions and consultation with the instructor will determine entrance to the course. It is offered outside of the regular timetable on a regular basis, primarily in the first semester. Up to four rehearsals per week and evening performances are mandatory components of this course. This is an Arts Education course.

Theatre Company 12 or Musical Theatre 12 MDRTC12

Theatre Company 12 and Musical Theatre 12 are offered on an alternating basis each year and are the apex of student involvement in the theatre program. At the Grade 12 level, students are exposed to higher level acting methods and characterization, and are granted numerous leadership and performance opportunities. Following the structure and rigorous quality standards of professional theatre troupes, Theatre Company 12/Musical Theatre 12 requires students to deepen the knowledge and apply the skills they have learned in previous theatre courses (Drama, Musical Theatre, Theatre Company and/ or Directing and Scriptwriting 12) in leadership and mentoring roles for the benefit of the company. Students are encouraged to have previous drama class experience.

Auditions and consultation with the instructor will determine entrance to the course. It is offered outside of the regular timetable on a regular basis, primarily in the first semester. Up to four rehearsals per week and evening performances are mandatory components of this course. This is an Arts Education course.

Arts Education: Dance Company

Dance Company provides a wide ranging survey of different dance genres and styles. Students will work with professional choreographers and dance instructors to learn basic techniques in these styles as a gateway to further studies in dance, as well as practice warm-ups, stretching, body control, and the building of stamina and strength progressing to dance combinations. Students will also learn how to prepare their own choreography for performance opportunities throughout the semester.

Students will work on a passion project focusing on a dance style of their choosing and develop their skills and understanding of this style through teaching their classmates choreography they develop themselves.

Note: No previous dance experience required.

Arts Education 8: Dance  

This is an exploratory, introductory course that will give students an introduction to the Fine and Performing Arts, including Drama and Visual Arts, and/or Dance.

Dance 9 MDNC-9

This is an introductory course to Dance providing students with foundational skills of different dance styles. Students will work with professional choreographers and dance instructors to learn basic techniques and history in these styles as a gateway to further studies in dance, as well as practice warm-ups, stretching, body control, and the building of stamina and strength progressing to dance combinations. Students will also learn how to prepare their own choreography for performance and competition opportunities throughout the term. Because Dance Company courses are available for multiple grades, grade level expectations are adjusted based on the experience of students enrolled in the class. This is an Arts Education course. No previous dance experience is required.

This course meets the Daily Physical Activity requirement.

Dance Company 10 MDNCM10

This is a transition course in Dance expanding dance technique, history and repertoire. Students will work with professional choreographers and dance instructors to learn more advanced techniques in different styles of dance, as well as deepen their understanding of anatomy, practice warm-ups, stretching, body control, and the building of stamina and strength progressing to dance combinations. Students will also learn how to prepare their own choreography for performance and competition opportunities throughout the term. Because Dance Company courses are available for multiple grades, grade level expectations are adjusted based on the experience of students enrolled in the class. This is an Arts Education course. No previous dance experience is required.

This course meets the Daily Physical Activity requirement.

Dance Company 11 MDNCM11

This is an advanced course of Dance, providing students with opportunities to showcase their technique in different dance styles through performances, competitions, and creating/teaching their own choreography and dance history. Students will work with professional choreographers and dance instructors to learn new, more advanced techniques in different styles of dance, as well as leadership opportunities to create/lead warm-ups, stretching, body control exercises, and dance combinations.

Because Dance Company courses are available for multiple grades, grade level expectations are adjusted based on the experience of students enrolled in the class. This is an Arts Education course. No previous dance experience is required, but is highly recommended.

This course meets the Daily Physical Activity requirement.

Dance Company 12 MDNCM12

This is an advanced course of Dance, providing students with opportunities to showcase their technique in different dance styles through performances, competitions, and creating/teaching their own choreography and dance history. Students will work with professional choreographers and dance instructors to learn new, more advanced techniques in different styles of dance, potential career paths in dance, as well as leadership opportunities to create/lead

warm-ups, stretching, body control exercises, and dance combinations.

Because Dance Company courses are available for multiple grades, grade level expectations are adjusted based on the experience of students enrolled in the class. This is an Arts Education course. No previous dance experience is required, but is highly recommended.

This course meets the Daily Physical Activity requirement.

Dance Choreography 11 MDNC-11

Dance Choreography 11 is an advanced course for dedicated dance students who have developed their skills in various dance forms and are ready to take on more of a leadership role to begin exploring their own creative potential. In this class, students will learn the foundations of dance composition. This course is for student choreographers and advanced level dancers wishing to work towards mentoring students and creating group choreography for stage or film. Students will be assigned to a lower-level class or team. Student choreographers will work alongside the teacher to act as mentors and will learn to create dynamic pieces for stage and film, using the choreography, cleaning and planning-for-stage/film creative processes. Depending on student needs/interests, choreography students will also learn how to mix music, build a strong dance resume, and create dance class lesson plans. Students in this course will create choreography and participate in our dance shows, as well as have the opportunity to audition their pieces for our end of semester Dance Show and Year End showcase. Students desiring to enroll in Dance Choreography 11 must speak with the Dance teacher to discuss the student’s readiness to take on responsibilities of this course. Previous dance experience is required.

Please note: This is a course with limited enrollment. All course requests will be reviewed by the Arts department, and by Administration to ensure the student can be appropriately timetabled for this class. Recommendation from the Dance teacher is required, and enrollment in Dance Company 11 is expected.

Dance Choreography 12 MDNC-12

Well-seasoned dancers who would like the challenge of choreographing and are looking for leadership opportunities to mentor dance students are invited to pursue their creative abilities in Dance Choreography 12. Students will learn to choreograph and teach choreography performed in-school for stage or film. This class will require the student to create more advanced choreography and to take on a leadership role in the dance program while communicating their artistic intent and meaning through their work. Choreographers will need to collaborate through critical reflection, creative cooperation, and the exchange of ideas to create innovative choreography. Students will be assigned to a lower level class or team. Student choreographers will work alongside the teacher to act as mentors and will learn to create dynamic pieces for stage and film, using the choreography, cleaning, and planning-for-stage/film creative processes. Depending on student needs/interests, choreography students will also learn how to mix music, build a strong dance resume, and create dance class lesson plans. Students in this course will create choreography and participate in our dance shows, as well as have the opportunity to audition their pieces for our end of semester Dance Show and Year End Showcase. Students desiring to enroll in Dance Choreography 12 must speak with the Dance teacher to discuss the student’s readiness to take on responsibilities of this course. Previous dance experience is required.

Please note: This is a course with limited enrollment. All course requests will be reviewed by the Arts department, and by Administration to ensure the student can be appropriately timetabled for this class. Recommendation from the Dance teacher is required, and enrollment in Dance Company 12 is expected.

Arts Education: Theatre Production

Theatre Production classes (called Stagecraft in grade 9) are courses offered in backstage theatre: lights, sounds, props, set-design and construction, costumes, makeup, publicity, stage management, etc. Students should be self-motivated, willing to follow instructions precisely and work outside of school hours when needed to produce the yearly school play or musical. Interested Theatre Production students will also learn to be the main theatre technicians for school assemblies and outside rental groups. Because Theatre Production courses are available for multiple grades, grade level expectations are adjusted based on the experience of students enrolled in the class. Students in Theatre Production are given great responsibility, and are expected to develop and demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities. Many graduates of North Delta’s Theatre Production program have gone on to careers in the motion picture and theatre industries.

** This is an Arts Education course offered in multiple levels based on experience.

Stagecraft 9 XST-09

This is an introductory course to Theatre Production and consists of both theory and practice. Students may be expected to devote considerable time “after hours” – especially when production is underway. Students are given the opportunity to explore different areas of interest within the theatre. Participants accept that Work ethic, safety, knowledge and respect of technical equipment are expected. Attitude, behaviour, and participation will feature in the on-going evaluation for this course. This is an Arts Education course.

Theatre Production 10 MDRD-10

This is an introductory course to Theatre Production and consists of both theory and practice. Students will be expected to devote considerable time in “after hours” backstage work, especially when production is underway. Students are given the opportunity to explore different areas of interest within the theatre. Participants accept that Work ethic, safety, knowledge and respect of technical equipment are expected. Attitude, behaviour, and participation will feature in the on-going evaluation for this course. This is an Arts Education course.

Theatre Production 11 MDRTP11

Theatre Production is an important part of theatre and includes many activities that are theoretical and practical, technical and creative. Students will create functional sets, as well as learn about lighting and sound techniques.

Students must be willing to make a commitment of extra-curricular time to enjoy success in Theatre Production. This is a practical course for students interested in theatre, either as a career or as a hobby. The instructor can connect students with further practical experience in semi-professional and professional theatre outside of the school. Assessment consists of skills and commitment of time and energy 50%. As well, students are required to “work” shows staged at the school. This is an Arts Education course.

Theatre Production 12 MDRTP12

Theatre Production is an important part of theatre and includes many activities that are theoretical and practical, technical and creative. Students will create functional sets, as well as learn about lighting and sound techniques.

Students must be willing to make a commitment of extra-curricular time to enjoy success in Theatre Production. This is a practical course for students interested in theatre, either as a career or as a hobby. The instructor can connect students with further practical experience in semi-professional and professional theatre outside of the school. Grade 12 Theatre Production students are expected to be leaders, and will have greater opportunities to manage different aspects of the school production. This is an Arts Education course.

Arts Education: Visual Arts

Solid line indicates that prior success in Art courses is recommended.

The Visual Arts offer a wide variety of courses, both 2 and 3 dimensional.

Beginners learn foundational skills and methods of expression, while advanced students explore their own style and can prepare for post-secondary opportunities.

Career Opportunities:

Many ND Grads have gone on to careers in the arts. The Arts in Canada is one of our largest industries, and the visual arts is a big part of that. You could become: a painter, a printmaker, a fashion designer, a sculptor, a graphic designer, a photographer, a film maker, a medical illustrator, a potter. You could become a designer of cars, furniture, homes, gardens, clothes, uniforms, posters, logos….

Arts Education 8: Visual Art MAE-08

This is an exploratory, introductory course that will give students an introduction to the Fine and Performing Arts, including Drama and Visual Arts, and/or Dance.

Media Arts 9 MADMA09

This is an exploratory technology-based course in digital visual communications that combines Digital SLR photography and computer software like Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Topics may include:

  • Digital SLR Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital Illustration
  • Photo Editing

Students will challenge themselves to create artwork using computers and photography equipment. An interest and familiarity with computers and technology is important.

Visual Arts 9 MVA-09

An introductory course that covers both 2D and 3D art forms. Drawing, painting, and sculpture are combined with the theory of design. Drawing includes pencil, pen, conte, ink wash, colour pencils and oil pastels. Painting includes tempera and acrylic paints. An emphasis will be on POP ART and CONTEMPORARY ART. Sculpture includes paper mache, clay, assemblage with found objects, and mixed media. This course allows you to explore a number of different types of art and different techniques as well as introducing the use of a visual journal. This is an Arts Education course.

Art Studio 10 (Visual Arts) MVAST10

This course will have two components.

Those students who prefer to experience a broad survey of both 2D and 3D media will partake in the following:

This course is designed for students both with a background in the visual arts and those who are new to it. The course will expose students to drawing, painting, sculpture and printmaking. It is a studio course that will involve the production of a variety of projects in each area within the different disciplines of realism, expressionism and abstraction. Students will maintain a visual journal. Art history will encompass Canadian and work from other cultures. 3D projects include working with paper mache, wire, clay, mixed media and assemblage. This is a good course for students who wish to pursue a higher level of art, but it will also be beneficial for students wanting a general exposure to the visual arts. This is an Arts Education course.

Those students who prefer to concentrate on 2D media will partake in the following:

This is an introductory course for those students who wish to broaden their art appreciation, knowledge, and techniques in the 2D area. Students will explore wet and dry media- drawing with graphite, conte, pastel, pencil crayons- painting with ink, tempera, acrylic, and watercolour. Students will develop and hone their skills through observation, self-reflection/ exploration, imagination, model work, and experimentation. Visual problem solving with an emphasis on originality and creativity is the main component of larger projects. Art history will encompass Canadian and work from other cultures. This is an Arts Education course.

Introductory Media Arts 10-12 MVAM-10, MVAMT11, MVAMT12

This is an introductory technology-based course in digital visual communications that combines Digital SLR photography and computer software like Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Topics may include:

  • Digital SLR Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital Illustration
  • Photo Editing

Students will challenge themselves to create artwork using computers and photography equipment. An interest and familiarity with computers and technology is important. Self-directed learners are more likely to excel in this course. This class is open to all grade 10-12 students who have not previously taken Media Arts 9. This is an Arts Education course.

NOTE: If you have previously taken Media Arts 9 or Introductory Media Arts 10-12, please select “Advanced Media Arts 10-12”.

Art Studio 11 (Visual Arts) MVAST11

This course will have two components. Those students who prefer to work with both 2D and 3D media will partake in the following:

This course provides an overview of the different studio arts, as it encompasses both 2-D and 3-D media and processes. Media may include graphite, pastels, charcoal, pen & ink, acrylic paint, water colour paint, tempera paint, mixed media, paper mache, clay and wire. Art history will cover from Primitive to Impressionism.

Students will maintain a visual journal where they will explore techniques, image development and their own imagery. This is an Arts Education course.

Those students who prefer to work only with 2D media will partake in the following:

This course involves students in a variety of techniques within the primarily two-dimensional processes of drawing and painting. Students will be exposed to historical issues in the visual arts as well as interpret within these frameworks to create images of their own. They will study drawing as line, tone and high contrast in media such as charcoal, pencil, coloured pencil, and ink. Painting will involve water colour, acrylic and mixed media. Much of their work will be done on canvas at easels. Students will be required to maintain a sketch book for this course. This is an Arts Education course.

Advanced Media Arts 10-12 MVAMT11LV2, MVAMT12LV2

NOTE: The Advanced Media Arts curriculum alternates. Students may select this course multiple years without curriculum repetition.

This is a continuation of Media Arts 9/Introductory Media Arts 10-12. This course moves beyond the basic uses of Digital SLR cameras and the Adobe Suite to further advanced exploration in digital visual communications. This course builds upon previous knowledge of course materials; students will learn advanced techniques in photography, lighting and computer software like Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Topics may include:

  • Digital SLR Photography
  • Studio Lighting
  • Photo Editing
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital Illustration
  • Film Making/Stop-Motion Animation

Self-directed learners are more likely to excel in this course. An interest and familiarity with computers and technology is very important. This class is open to grade 10-12 students. This is an Arts Education course.

If you have NOT previously taken Media Arts 9 or Introductory Media Arts 10-12, please select “Introductory Media Arts 10-12”

Studio Arts 2D 11-12 (Drawing & Painting) MVAD-11, MVAD-12

This is an advanced level course in drawing and painting media and will eventually lead to independent self- directed projects. Students will build on the previous techniques and will learn additional techniques to expand their knowledge base. They will work in their visual journals and will research artists from the past and from contemporary styles. A historical overview of MODERN ART will be included. The goal of this course is for each student to develop their own style and expression in drawing and painting. As well, a large mural painting is an option. This is an Arts Education course.

Art Studio 12 (Visual Arts) MVAST12

This course is suited for students who have a solid background in art with strength in image development and the application of techniques and media. Students will be expected to produce high quality, self-directed projects as well as class assigned projects. They will have the option of working in both 2-D and 3-D media with an emphasis on personal expression. This includes drawing, painting and sculpture.

Students will maintain a visual journal that will reflect art history; critiques, analysis, self-initiated work, ideas, plans and sketches for project work. A historical overview of both MODERN ART and CONTEMPORARY ART covering the works of iconic artists and sculptors will be included. Major projects reflecting quality, technique, originality and creativity are to be completed in this course. As well, a large mural painting is an option. This is an Arts Education course.

Art: Yearbook

Yearbook Production 11 MGRPR11

This course will be offered outside of the regular timetable as a yearlong after school X-Block. Students are responsible for the production of the school yearbook. Students will learn skills in areas of journalism, digital design, photography, copywriting, page layout, advertising, and/or distribution. They will also become familiar with professional programs such as Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. Students will develop time management, collaboration, teamwork, communication and leadership skills. This course will be offered outside the regular timetable as a linear after school block. Self-directed learners are more likely to excel in this course. Open to students in Grades 10-11. This is an Art Education course.

Yearbook Design 12 MGRPR12

This course will be offered outside of the regular timetable as a yearlong X-Block. This course builds upon the skills developed in Yearbook Production 11 and enables students to take a leadership role in the design and production of the school’s yearbook. Students are responsible for the production of the school yearbook.

Students will learn skills in areas of journalism, digital design, photography, copywriting, page layout, advertising, and/or distribution. They will also become familiar with professional programs such as Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. Students will develop time management, collaboration, teamwork, communication and leadership skills. Self-directed learners are more likely to excel in this course. Open to students in Grades 11-12. This is an Arts Education course.